Fogue Studios & Gallery
5519 Airport Way South, Seattle, Washington
Laura King is an active artist whose work has been exhibited in venues across the nation, including the Nix Gallery (New York), Lillstreet Art Center (Chicago), Creative Arts Workshop (New Haven), and the Chautauqua Institute. Her work is both two- and three-dimensional.
Originally from upstate New York, Laura moved to Seattle in 2002. She teaches art at Shorecrest High School, and is the Visual Arts Specialist for the Shoreline School District. For 17 summers, Laura returned to New York to work at the New York State Summer School for the Visual Arts, serving as Assistant Artistic Director, Assistant Director of Administration, and Master Teacher.
Laura received a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Printmaking from the State University of New York at Buffalo. Following graduation, she furthered her studies in metals at Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design in Jerusalem, Israel. Laura later received her Masters in Art Education from Nazareth College in Rochester, New York. She currently resides in Seattle with her husband and two children.
Artist StatementWe often both show and hide things when we allow others to peek into our lives. My work is full of layers and contradictions, protecting and revealing at the same time. I intertwine the precious and the discarded together, and explore finding a definite truth while mucking around in a mess. My work gives definition to the shapeless and the intangible, going behind what is presented, seeing through the veils, and perceiving what is hidden.
Growing up in a family of ten kids, I made art as a way to have something that was truly mine. It continues to be a place to put everything. There is so much that happens to us from day to day and we react to it, yet it does not ever seem to encompass all of our emotions and thoughts. Creating art for me is a way to get it all out at once whether it is pretty or not. It allows for thought and emotion to be expressed in a visual form.