NWCS Members Summer Exhibit 2018

Kenmore City Hall Art Gallery

Kenmore, WA | Directions

Gina Hanzsek Mate and Biscuits
Colleen Foye Bollen Log Boom Park
Robert Stockton Saturn In Retrograde Over Oakland Tech
Kathy Parker Squared Off
Gail Larson Untitled
Gail Larson Cherry Blossom Time
Judith Heim Becoming a Mermaid
Judith Heim She Wore Her Crown Sideways
Marcia Douglas Seeing It Through
John Arbuckle Obsolete

Peggy Tuttle Memorial Award

Becky Birinyi Urban Architecture #3
Becky_Birinyi Urban Architecture #4
Lynn Skordal Buttoned Up

Merit Award

Lynn Skordal Every Atom in Our Bodies Came From an Exploding Star
Meg Gray At Last

Northwest Collage Society Summer Show Award

Debbie Smith Opening Up
Susan Miller Pond
Susan Miller Tango

Merit Award

Marilee Clarke Looking For Mata Hari
Janice Clem Wheels of Fortune

Merit Award

Nan Harty A Room with a View
Nan Harty She Dreamed She Was Free
Leslee Currie At Crossed Purposes
Leslee Currie Tangled Impulses
Colleen Monette Eulogy
Stacy Hamm Dream Big
Michele Unger St ring Theory
Claudia Mazzie-Ballheim It's a Woman's World
Janet Atlas Clouds
Laurie Richardson Remember Me

Eleanor Wolters Smith Memorial Award

Laurie Richardson Start With
Yael Zahavy_Mittelman The Castle of Send
Lisa Sheets Her Voyage
Liz Simpson Crows, Party of Five
Nancy Meldahl Meander I
Nancy Meldahl Meander II

Northwest Collage Society Award

Karen Christensen Thief
Carole Carroll Blue Crinoid
Carole Carroll Maple Bird

Merit Award

Karen Pauley Tender Blossom



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